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Welcome to the CJCC Collaboration Portal!

This portal is designed to be a secure one-stop-shop for certain CJCC workgroups. Authorized users will be able to access specific resourses associated with those workgroups.

Register: This option allows you to request access to a specific CJCC workgroup site.

Login: This allows authorized users to sign into a specific workgroup site and access materials.

Joint Supervision Workgroup

This site is for creating, editing, and storing documents related to the Joint Supervision Workgroup

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CJCC JUSTIS Workgroups

This site is for maintaining content from each CJCC JUSTIS workgroup for easy access by members of those workgroups

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New Psychoactive Substances Workgroup

This site is used to manage materials for the NPSW. This workgroup was formed to tackle the issues arising from the emergence of synthetic drug use in the District of Columbia.

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If you have any questions or issues accessing the desired resource, please email [email protected].